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Prepare Your Home for the Holidays

holidays, party and celebration

Prepare Your Home for the Holidays

It’s that time of year again – the holiday season has arrived! Are you hosting this year? We know it can be a lot to take on, so we’ve put together a simple 3-point checklist to help you prioritize all the prep work that goes into having guests at your home for the holidays. If nothing else, before your friends, family and neighbors head over for the big gathering… can you check off that your home is safe, clean and organized? Here are a few things to consider:


Like we mentioned in a previous post about winterizing your home, it’s important to be mindful of all dangers lurking in and around your home this time of year. Things like fire safety, ice and snow removal, and emergency preparedness are of the utmost importance while hosting a house full of guests. While your list may include more – we think you should start by replacing your smoke/carbon monoxide detector batteries, inspecting and cleaning your fireplace, and be sure all walkways and stairs are slip-free.


Wouldn’t it be great to clean the entire house, top to bottom? Sure, but who has time for that! If you’re able to afford a maid service, this would be the best time to use one considering all you have going on. If it’s up to you to clean before the in-laws get to town, prioritize which parts of the home will actually be seen/used by the guests. The guest bed and bathroom, kitchen and family room are likely where they will spend the most time – so start there! 


This portion of the checklist is more about you, the host. Get your ducks in a row before the guests show up to avoid any scrambling or last minute shopping trips. This includes things like writing down the wifi password for all who inevitably ask for it, and checking to be sure all appliances work such as the oven, coffee maker, washer/dryer, and guest toilet. Heck, it’d even be a good idea to double check the deck of cards to be sure all 52 of them are there before sitting down the big annual family poker game! Being aware and anticipating the needs of your guests will go a long way in keeping the visit as stress-free as possible for you while you host.

Now that you’re on your way to getting your home safe, clean and organized… how about some decor! If you’re hosting for Christmas and want your home to look a little more festive, you’re in luck! We are offering a black Friday special on Christmas light installations – mention this blog for a 10% discount! Get your FREE ESTIMATE HERE.

It’s a hectic time of year… and hosting your family can compound that fact. Our biggest piece of advice is to live in the moment and savor this special time with those you love. From all of us at Sky Power Wash – Happy Holidays!

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